This report documents the impact of the ‘Boohoo scandal’ on the community and the garment industry in Leicester from a multi-stakeholder perspective. The revelation of poor and exploitative working conditions in Leicester’s garment factories, known as the ‘Boohoo scandal’ (July 2020), brought the town into the spotlight, garnering attention from the media, the state, and civil society. Subsequently, several factories were shut down, leaving garment workers and manufacturers in a state of shock.
More recently, articles in national media highlight how Boohoo has failed to meet its pledges from the 2020 scandal. The BBC’s November 2023 investigation into a Boohoo Manchester office demonstrated the ineffectiveness of modern slavery interventions in Boohoo’s supply chain.
Based on extensive fieldwork conducted from April to July 2023, this report documents the current situation in Leicester from the perspectives of workers, manufacturers, interventions, and brands. We also offer insights on interventions that are working in Leicester to support the community and a few recommendations for brands, community organisations, the state and media.
You can find the report here:
The report is available to read and download in HINDI, ENGLISH, GUJARATI and PUNJABI.