Embed Dignity

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CategoriesDignity Stories

கண்ணியம் காக்க கரம் கோர்ப்போம்! (Let us Join Hands to Protect Dignity!) – Sundaresan Velliangiri

By Sundaresan Velliangiri The story was written by the author in Tamil. The English translation has been done by Team Embed-Dignity. இந்தியாவின் தென்பகுதியில் உள்ள ‘மூன்றாம் அடுக்கு வகை’  நகரத்தில், மிகவும் பிற்படுத்தப்பட்ட வகுப்பில் பிறந்தவன் நான்! எனது சிறுவயதில், உயர் சாதியினரால் மிகவும் கண்ணியக் குறைவாக நடத்தப்பட்டிருக்கிறேன். மேலும் பலர் இதுபோன்ற பாதிப்புகளுக்கு ஆளானதையும் நான் நேரில் கண்டிருக்கிறேன். எனது சிறுவயதில், என்னுடன் தொடக்கப்பள்ளியில் படித்துக் கொண்டிருந்த,  […]


Work with us – Research Assistant

Job Title: Research Assistant Duration: July-October 2022  Job purpose: To assist in conducting fieldwork for a large UKRI-funded project based at the University of Bath, UK. The RA is expected to assist in data collection in South India in the garment and IT industry. The job would fit a researcher or social worker interested in labor […]


State-Migrant Relations in India: Internal Migration, Welfare Rights and COVID-19

Pankhuri Agarwal’s forthcoming article in a special issue of the journal, Social Change, explicitly centres on state-migrant relations and provides tools to understand the efficacy of social welfare policies in contemporary Indian bureaucratic transformations. Through a multi-sited ethnographic study of internal migrants working in informal occupations in Delhi, Pankhuri shows that the everyday lived experience […]


Hybrid (un)freedom in Worker Hostels in Garment Supply Chains

Vivek Soundararajan along with colleagues Andrew Crane, Michael Bloomfield, Genevieve LeBaron, and Laura Spence, has published new research on the complexities of freedom and unfreedom in worker hostels in global supply chains. Worker hostels or dormitories are common in labour-intensive industries staffed largely by migrant labour and have long been associated with exploitative practices. More […]